Saturday, May 28, 2011

Performance Tuning SOS !

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Monday, May 2, 2011

Some Facts on Data Visibility

Some Facts on Data Visibility

Fact 1

clicks on the "Generate Reporting Relationships" button :

Records in the S_PARTY_RPT_REL are created when a new record is inserted in S_POSTN, or when a user clicks on the "Generate Reporting Relationships" button in the Position administration view.

It would be extremely difficult to describe an unknown number of iterations of the position/parent position relationship with a single SQL statement. Siebel solves this problem by writing each position's reporting relationships to a table called S_PARTY_RPT_REL

Fact 2


SBL-DAT-00309: You do not have the privileges required to view detailed information for this record. Please contact your systems administrator if you would like access to this record.

Corrective Action

Corrective Action

1. Inspect the record where the user receives the error:

a. Determine if the user is on the access list for the record. To determine what controls the visibility of the record, review the BusComp View Modes set up for the business component and check the Visibility Field and Visibility MV Field properties.

b. Make sure there is at least one user on the access list for the record, especially if the record was imported using EIM or if you have customized the visibility settings for the related objects.

c. If the drilldown is on the same buscomp, any constraint on the original context of the buscomp, such as a query executed by the user, will be maintained.

2. In Siebel Tools, check the configuration of the drilldown, drilldown view and applet, and related business component to determine why the user does not have visibility to the drilldown record.

a. On the destination view, check the Visibility Applet and Visibility Applet Type properties. Check for a default PDQ, or a Search Specification defined on the driving applet or destination business component, which would prevent the user from seeing the drilldown record

b. On the Drilldown Object, check the following:

i. Visibility Type property on the Drilldown Object. For more information, refer to Siebel Bookshelf version 8.1 > Siebel Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Configuring Access Control > Additional Access Control Mechanisms > Configuring Drilldown Visibility.

ii. Business Component setting on Drilldown Object

iii. Make sure the Hyperlink property is set.

iv. If you have defined the Source Field and Destination Field properties, make sure the field values will be an exact match. For example, if you use a non-System field that defaults to a Row Id, ensure that records created through EIM will have this field set appropriately.

3. If you have configured a dynamic drilldown, check the following in Siebel Tools:

a. The logic in the configuration of the dynamic drilldown must ensure that users will drill down to a view where they can see the records in question.

b. The parent Drilldown Object should have Sequence = 1.

c. The destination view defined for the parent Drilldown Object should be available in the user's responsibilities.

d. The Field property on the Dynamic Drilldown Destination object must be active in the buscomp instance.

e. Check the Value property defined in the Dynamic Drilldown Destination object

For more information on the above suggestions, refer to Siebel Bookshelf version 8.1 > Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types for the Drilldown Object, View, BusComp View Mode, Business Component, and Applet object types. Also refer to Siebel Bookshelf version 8.1 > Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications > Configuring Screens and Views > About Drilldowns.

4. If you have customized the Calendar Drilldown behavior,

5. You must extract a mobile client before you can drill down on the mobile client name.

6. Create bookmarks from list views instead of detail views.

7. When registering a Partner, you need to check the Organization flag.

Fact 3

Why does my -Pick Applet- display all records for a user who does not have -All- visibility?.

When the Popup Visibility is set to FALSE, no visibility is applied to Pick and Association Applets.

For example, in the standard Siebel configuration, the ‘Popup Visibility’ for ‘Account’ Business Component is set to FALSE. Hence, any Pick Applet or Association Applet based on the ‘Account’ Business Component will display all the Account records irrespective of whether the user has visibility to ‘All’ Accounts or not.

Setting the Popup Visibility of a Business Component to TRUE, should limit the records displayed in Pick Applets and Association Applets to only those records that are displayed in a ‘My’ view of that Business Component.

For example, in the standard Siebel configuration, the ‘Popup Visibility’ property on the ‘Opportunity’ Business Component is set to TRUE by default. Hence, all Pick Applets and Association Applets based on the ‘Opportunity’ Business Component will always display only those Opportunity records that are visible to a user in the ‘My Opportunities’ view.