Only PR change is required for this .
if (typeof(SiebelAppFacade. OpptyListPR) === "undefined") {
SiebelJS.Namespace(" SiebelAppFacade.OpptyListPR");
SiebelApp.S_App. RegisterConstructorAgainstKey( "OpptyListPR", "SiebelAppFacade.OpptyListPR") ;
SiebelAppFacade.OpptyListPR = (function () {
function OpptyListPR(pm) {
SiebelAppFacade.OpptyListPR. this, pm);
SiebelJS.Extend(OpptyListPR, SiebelAppFacade. JQGridRenderer);
OpptyListPR.prototype.BindData = function SetColor() {
SiebelAppFacade.OpptyListPR., SetColor);
var pm = this.GetPM();
var recordset = pm.Get("GetRecordSet");
var placeholder = pm.Get("GetPlaceholder");
var rsLength = recordset ? recordset.length : 0;
var trFinder;
var trtdFinder;
var amt;
if (rsLength > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < rsLength; i++) {
trFinder = $('#' + placeholder).find('[Id=' + (i + 1) + ']');
trtdFinder = $(trFinder).find('td')[1];
amt =recordset[i]["Primary Revenue Amount"];
var number = Number(amt.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/ g,""));
if (number >= "2000000") {
$(trFinder).css('background- color', 'Red');
return OpptyListPR;
we have to update manifest and customer files with the above js names
Screen shot