Only PR change is required for this .
if (typeof(SiebelAppFacade. OpptyListPR) === "undefined") {
SiebelJS.Namespace(" SiebelAppFacade.OpptyListPR");
SiebelApp.S_App. RegisterConstructorAgainstKey( "OpptyListPR", "SiebelAppFacade.OpptyListPR") ;
SiebelAppFacade.OpptyListPR = (function () {
function OpptyListPR(pm) {
SiebelAppFacade.OpptyListPR. this, pm);
SiebelJS.Extend(OpptyListPR, SiebelAppFacade. JQGridRenderer);
OpptyListPR.prototype.BindData = function SetColor() {
SiebelAppFacade.OpptyListPR., SetColor);
var pm = this.GetPM();
var recordset = pm.Get("GetRecordSet");
var placeholder = pm.Get("GetPlaceholder");
var rsLength = recordset ? recordset.length : 0;
var trFinder;
var trtdFinder;
var amt;
if (rsLength > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < rsLength; i++) {
trFinder = $('#' + placeholder).find('[Id=' + (i + 1) + ']');
trtdFinder = $(trFinder).find('td')[1];
amt =recordset[i]["Primary Revenue Amount"];
var number = Number(amt.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/ g,""));
if (number >= "2000000") {
$(trFinder).css('background- color', 'Red');
return OpptyListPR;
we have to update manifest and customer files with the above js names
Screen shot
ReplyDeleteThanks for the valuable post...
I am new to Open UI, can you tell me what all steps I have to do other than this PR addition to get this functionality.
It would be helpful for me, as we are looking for similar requirement.
Dheeraj GM
This PR alone doesn't work.. is there any PM to it..if so please share the same for reference. which would be very helpful.